When I was younger and my brother and I would say we were bored my Mother would always respond with, "People who are bored are boring.". Well 20 years or so later I have to agree. I am constantly hearing people talk about how bored they are. Really? In this day and age when social media is continually on the rise and at our fingertips. How can one ever be bored with smartphones, nooks, iPads, video game players, etc, etc. All these things that are right at our very fingertips constantly and yet you can't fill your time with any of those? Since when did the human race become dependent on constant stimulation? Have you ever considered that maybe we have become a world of overstimulation. How could we not be? With the constant need to be in contact with other people via social media or to be constantly entertained with apps on our phones or videos that we find on YouTube. Don't get me wrong, I partake in all of these things listed but I also am never bored. It is very seldom that I will declare boredom.
I tend to agree with my mother people who are bored are indeed boring. How is it that you can't find something to fill your time? I mean good lord there are hundreds of thousands of things to do out there and you're telling me you have to seek out someone else in order to successfully not be bored? Whatever happened to alone time? Do we live in an age where we can't be alone? Where we can't find peace in our own company? I'm not saying we need to be alone all the time but it is very healthy to have down time to yourself. Maybe write a letter to a loved one or just listen to some music while collecting your thoughts.
I hate to think that the future of our society is going to be in the hands of a generation that can't find things to fill their time when they literally have the world at their fingertips. Sometimes the best way to discover the world is to just set it down and look at it from a distance. Really soak it in get out there. Put down our electronics and soak in the beauty that surrounds us. For if you truly open your eyes to all that surrounds us -you could never claim boredom.