Sunday, August 25, 2013


When I was younger and my brother and I would say we were bored my Mother would always respond with, "People who are bored are boring.". Well 20 years or so later I have to agree.  I am constantly hearing people talk about how bored they are.  Really? In this day and age when social media is continually on the rise and at our fingertips. How can one ever be bored with smartphones, nooks, iPads, video game players, etc, etc. All these things that are right at our very fingertips constantly and yet you can't fill your time with any of those?  Since when did the human race become dependent on constant stimulation? Have you ever considered that maybe we have become a world of overstimulation.  How could we not be? With the constant need to be in contact with other people via social media or to be constantly entertained with apps on our phones or videos that we find on YouTube.  Don't get me wrong, I partake in all of these things listed but I also am never bored.  It is very seldom that I will declare boredom. 

 I tend to agree with my mother people who are bored are indeed boring. How is it that you can't find something to fill your time? I mean good lord there are hundreds of thousands of things to do out there and you're telling me you have to seek out someone else in order to successfully not be bored? Whatever happened to alone time? Do we live in an age where we can't be alone? Where we can't find peace in our own company? I'm not saying we need to be alone all the time but it is very healthy to have down time to yourself.  Maybe write a letter to a loved one or just listen to some music while collecting your thoughts.

I hate to think that the future of our society is going to be in the hands of a generation that can't find things to fill their time when they literally have the world at their fingertips.  Sometimes the best way to discover the world is to just set it down and look at it from a distance. Really soak it in get out there. Put down our electronics and soak in the beauty that surrounds us.  For if you truly open your eyes to all that surrounds us -you could never claim boredom.

Monday, August 19, 2013


A cleansing breath from weighted lungs
Hearts open to songs unsung
A weight rises from weakened shoulders
Strength awakens and fear smolders
The fragrance of hope lingers on
Providing harmonies to a softened song

Sun shines through on dusty shelves
Illuminating memories of love upheld
Promises made and hearts wide open
Brings together a future unspoken
Eyes absorb a voiceless breeze
Providing an abundance of moments to seize

Thursday, August 8, 2013

See the Good - Be the Good

Understanding.  One word. Potentially the most craved word in any language. Everyone wants to be understood; to feel as though their story is being heard.  Just take a moment and think about it when was the last time you took the time to truly understand someone? Or at the very least listen. Not just hear them but actually listen. You'd be surprised with what you might learn.

For example: if someone wrongs you or hurts you in anyway what is your initial reaction? Anger? Do you find yourself plotting revenge or vengeance even?  But what does any of that get you? One moment of satisfaction, perhaps not even that. All you're doing is trying to hurt someone who hurt you and the circle continues.  Just think of what would happen if instead of seeking revenge you sought them out for an understanding.  If you took the time and actually asked why. Maybe they were just having a bad day and you happened to be their outlet.  Perhaps they are going through something that they are having a hard time dealing with.  It's not an excuse for letting their anger out on you, but everyone has days like that. Even you, think of how you would like to be treated. How hard is it to just smile, say a kind word  and walk away.

With taking the time to understand people comes the knowledge that everyone is good. Well, everyone is born good.  Some things in life may knock people down and create a change in them that is undesirable but deep down most people have good intentions.  My grandmother use to say, " The road to hell is paved with good intentions."  She was right. We all harbor the best of intentions but why is it that we seldom act on them?  What would happen if for an entire week everyone fulfilled their good intentions and maybe news casts would only report stories that ended on a high note.  Do you think the general moral of people would rise and those people would be more apt to act on those good intentions?  It is a fact that when something horrible such as a school shooting happens and it's blasted all over the news that its very likely to start a slew of other shootings similar in nature.  So what would happen if good deeds became the focus if the news for a week.  Just a thought.